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Wimbledon is back again, but it seems that over the past decade or so, coverage of tennis on TV has gradually diminished. Some people would argue that tennis, like F1 racing, is getting dull to watch, especially since there are no characters like McEnroe or Jimmy Connors, but I would be more likely to put it down to the fact that the game has been dominated now for the past years by the same faces - particularly Federer and the Williams sisters. If they keep winning, what is the bloody point of watching? Hell, even the British contingent of recent years, like Tiger Tim and Andy (British when winning, Scottish when losing) Murray  are hardly going to set the world on fire when coming up against the drab clones which now dominate the sport.


That said, I would feel that the reason behind the decline of Wimbledon TV is more terminal than that, and is due to the increasing availability of other sporting events which really didn't exist even a decade ago. Step back in time to the 80s and ask yourself - in early-July, what sports were broadcast on TV? Other than Wimbledon, the only things going were the Olympics and the World Cup (with the Euros being a mere afterthought relative to the Olympics). Now though, we've not only had the Euro Nations League recently, but we've also got the Cricket World Cup and the female version of football's World Cup going on. Not only is the quantity of entertainment much greater than before, but the quality is greater too, even if prize money still doesn't reflect this.


What does all of this have to do with escorting? Fuck all really, but unless Steffi Graff and Anna Kournikova decide to return to the tennis court in bikinis, I'm afraid we are just going to have to wave a fond farewell to something which used to be one of the biggest events of the sporting year. On the bright side though, we've updated the profile for Layla - there's nothing sinister with the name change, other than that there has been a constant confusion over what to call her, given the difference in her profile names on AdultWork viz her site name, so we've decided to just stick to one single name. We hope you enjoy the update.

Finally, World Cup 2018 is upon us. I don't know about you, but this is the sporting event which I have been waiting ages for. The main reason boils down to one man, and one man only - Ronaldo. Although comparisons with Messi are bound to take place amongst fanboys, some people are claiming that in footballing terms, he is the greatest of all time. Compared to Pele or Maradona, I don't think you could ever go that far, although those legends obviously played football in a very different era, which may have been physically harsher in terms of fouls, but were probably easier in terms of competitive standards. Hell, even in Portuguese football, there is still a strong case that he will never be the GOAT, given that he will, to many, always walk in the shade of Eusebio (without doubt the finest footballer ever from Africa).


With that in mind, love him or hate him, wouldn't it be fantastic to see him actually win the most important trophy of them all? His entire life story makes for one of those Greek epics which used to enthrall us as kids. Poor dude from a crappy island shows immense talent as a boy; gets taken under the wing of a cunning yet wise mentor (hint: Alex Ferguson, not Mr Miyagi); starts off by pissing off all those around him, who disregard his talent in favour of their favourite son (are the BBC broadcasting Russia 2018 on whichever tropical island Rooney is tanning his arse on?); is sent to some primitive land full of fierce natives (Madrid has that effect on people), and then, like Odysseus, he returns from the wild, having beaten everyone before him in sporting combat to face that one final challenge which will make him king of Ithaca. While there may be some pathos if Ronaldo was to fail at the very final hurdle, as we all love a happy ending in life, it would be so much more heartwarming if he was to win that final remaining trophy which has eluded him


The only question is, once Ronaldo does win the World Cup, what happens with his life then? I can't imagine him sitting around with all those other washed out pundits in the TV studios nattering away like fishwives. Something says to me he will want to achieve something else which is "great", so the story won't be over when he hangs up his boots for that final time ...



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