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It has been a fairly quiet week, but that hasn't meant that we have been sitting on our collective arses twiddling our thumbs. We've been concentrating mainly on some building maintenance and redecoration, with the goal of ensuring that things in the building run a bit more efficiently and pleasantly on a day-to-day basis.


As far as the website goes, the main change this week is that we've now updated Yasmin's profile with a load of new photos, removing the original ones in their entirety. We think these are not only nicer to look at, but also provide a more accurate impression of what she looks like. The most remarkable thing here is that she has one hell of a bum - round and brown, and the product of loads of squats, so it is perhaps inevitable that there have been so many enquiries regarding A-levels with her. The other noticeable thing is the fact that there are quite a few photos of her in saris. She loves wearing them during an appointment, so if you would like to see her in one during a meeting, don't be afraid to ask (ditto other traditional garments, such as an abaya or dupatta).



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