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Say hello to sexy Sally …

We're happy to announce that there is a new profile up, for a very close friend of ours, the devilishly delightful Sally the Manchester whore.


Along with being a very experienced Manchester escort, she has quite some talent when it comes to the devilish art of domination, which means she can switch from being a plaything of passion to a mistress of torment with effortless ease. If you don't believe me, just take a look at the AW feedback which she has under her belt (and run your eye over some of the photos in her Private Gallery while you are at it. Shocking stuff indeed).


For the moment, we are using some of Sally's previous photos which were taken by our photodude at a.n.other place, but we'll be replacing them gradually in the coming weeks as new content arrives. That said, very little has changed lookswise with this lady. She's still as slim and tall as she used to be, albeit with slightly larger boobies. If you are a fan of porn, then she's make quite a convincing twin with the delicious Alex Harper.



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