Apologies for the late update, but this week, our photo update is for Samira, the cheeky little Asian minx. There are only a couple of outfits in this update due to time constraints, but at least you now have an up-to-date idea of what she looks like. We're not exactly happy with one aspect of the pics TBF, although it is nothing to do with Samira herself. Rather, we keep saying that we need to update the lights we use for photos, and once again, we've reminded ourselves why this is so. For this photoset, the lighting was provided by an old lighting set which we've used for a decade. Unfortunately, this involves using MASSIVE tungsten bulbs, which not only use lots of power (500W each), but which also, depending on the location they're used in, emit a yellow glow which PR people usually refer to in glowing terms as being a "warm white". Alas, it is an annoying shade at times, as it makes everything look a bit jaundiced. As such, from now on, we're sticking to the other lighting set, which is "cool white", and so much sweeter to look at.
As it is obviously the Easter week, we'll be having a small change to our operating hours. Good Friday will be especially good since Annalynne and Cheryl will be in, but we will then be closed on Monday the 21st. We hope you enjoy your eggs, lamb and other assorted chow, and for those who managed to stick to your Lent sacrifice: well done!