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It is a sodding Saturday, and if you're in Manchester, that means it is time for the annual music festival known as Parklife. Frankly, I have no idea what the attraction of that event in Heaton Park is, given that it is overpriced, cramped, and muddy, not to mention loaded with centrist dads in Jeremy Clarkson jeans who work for the BBC. As for the music, well, other than a couple of Manchester "legends" and has-been artists who serve to highlight the event, it is generally the sort of obscure names you'll only hear about at a pub quiz when asked to name one hit wonders famous for one summer. In short, that event in Heaton Park is definitely no Woodstock!


Fortunately, if you need cheering up and aren't interested in watching either ladies football or mens cricket, then why not have a look at Hazel's profile? As you may have guessed from the photo below, she has new photos, and it goes without saying that she looks fantastic as fuck. If the pics from March were good, then it goes without saying that these ones are even better! We hope you enjoy them.


We'd like to wish all of our Muslim visitors well, so Eid Mubarak to you.


Eagle eyed readers will probably have noticed that Yasmin has been away this past month. Well, she is back in from this Saturday, and she has a new look which we think you will enjoy, as it is more of a traditional Asian look than the one she used to have


Apologies for the late update, but this week, our photo update is for Samira, the cheeky little Asian minx. There are only a couple of outfits in this update due to time constraints, but at least you now have an up-to-date idea of what she looks like. We're not exactly happy with one aspect of the pics TBF, although it is nothing to do with Samira herself. Rather, we keep saying that we need to update the lights we use for photos, and once again, we've reminded ourselves why this is so. For this photoset, the lighting was provided by an old lighting set which we've used for a decade. Unfortunately, this involves using MASSIVE tungsten bulbs, which not only use lots of power (500W each), but which also, depending on the location they're used in, emit a yellow glow which PR people usually refer to in glowing terms as being a "warm white". Alas, it is an annoying shade at times, as it makes everything look a bit jaundiced. As such, from now on, we're sticking to the other lighting set, which is "cool white", and so much sweeter to look at.


As it is obviously the Easter week, we'll be having a small change to our operating hours. Good Friday will be especially good since Annalynne and Cheryl will be in, but we will then be closed on Monday the 21st. We hope you enjoy your eggs, lamb and other assorted chow, and for those who managed to stick to your Lent sacrifice: well done!


Fans of Hazel will be happy to know that after taking time off recently for a very unique interpretation of Spring Break, she will be back later in the coming week. To tie in with this, we've now uploaded a new series of photos onto the gallery component of her profile, as well as adding a new link which will direct you to her Twitter profile. In all honesty, we're amazed at how well the new photos look - while we know that she is an attractive young lady, the new pics really do present a much more erotic insight into just how attractive her body truly is. Good ahead and savour the pics, and if you agree that she is good enough to eat, why not make an appointment and taste her for yourself.


In other news, we'll be holding a couple of interviews in the coming week with a couple of ladies who've expressed an interest in joining us. If all goes well, and if everyone is happy, you may see some new additions to the list of ladies (fingers crossed here!).


Today may be April Fools Day, but as we're now past midday, it is safe to say that Sally's profile has been updated with new photos, without leaving anyone wondering if there is a trick to our post. As you can see from the pics, she still looks as good as she did years ago, with her long legs and slim waist being the perfect complement for her large natural boobies.


In case you are wondering, Sally doesn't have a regular day, but instead appears one day a week on different days each time, which is particularly useful for those gentlemen who have only one day off per week, as it increases your chances of meeting her. With this in mind, it is also worth mentioning that for the next few weeks, we will be open most Saturdays too, so it always pays to keep an eye on the schedule to see when your favourite lady will be appearing (and for those of you whose favourite lady appears elsewhere - have you ever suggested to her that maybe she should join us? She may like it more here 😉 ).


If you happen to be a fan of Tiffany, you may be happy to know that her profile has received an update to its selection of photos (finally!).


There is a backlog of pics at the moment as we've worked through the photos of the newer arrivals, but in the next few weeks, you can hopefully expect to see a return to normality in terms of regular updates as a regular work schedule resumes.


It has been a fairly quiet week, but that hasn't meant that we have been sitting on our collective arses twiddling our thumbs. We've been concentrating mainly on some building maintenance and redecoration, with the goal of ensuring that things in the building run a bit more efficiently and pleasantly on a day-to-day basis.


As far as the website goes, the main change this week is that we've now updated Yasmin's profile with a load of new photos, removing the original ones in their entirety. We think these are not only nicer to look at, but also provide a more accurate impression of what she looks like. The most remarkable thing here is that she has one hell of a bum - round and brown, and the product of loads of squats, so it is perhaps inevitable that there have been so many enquiries regarding A-levels with her. The other noticeable thing is the fact that there are quite a few photos of her in saris. She loves wearing them during an appointment, so if you would like to see her in one during a meeting, don't be afraid to ask (ditto other traditional garments, such as an abaya or dupatta).



A small change to the site this week, in that we have updated the Twitter links to the accounts which our ladies have..


Firstly, Sally's changed her account, so while the old account is still live, it isn't in use. Second, Safina has now signed up to Twitter too. As she gets the hang of things, she'll probably start posting on a regular basis. Either way, both of them are probably worthy of a follow.


Spring is just a few days away, which means soon plants will be popping up all over the place, bringing life, joy and happiness all over the place. We're sharing in the happy vibes, as we have two new ladies joining us this week, in the form of Hazel and Safina. In brief, Hazel is a cute American student, while Safina is a sexy Pakistani heartbreaker. Click on the links to their profiles, and you'll be able to find out all about then.


On another note, while we can't complain about how lovely the weather has been over the last few days, isn't it just that bit scary to be warm at this time of the year? Maybe, just maybe, we are messing up with the planet in ways which we have yet to recognise, but which we will regret decades down the line. Not the best thought to have, but definitely something to dwell on.


It is now mid-January, which means that by now, about 50% of all resolutions for the New Year have now been broken. Face it, you're not going to learn a new language, take up ballroom dancing, lose 10 kg in time for summer, or give up punting, so maybe now is the time to realise that the only resolution to make is not to make a resolution (that, and ditching smoking).


Anyway, without further ado, lets start off the photo updates for the new year. The first lady to have a profile refresh is Annalynne. While she has decided to keep a couple of her favourite photos from prior sets, most of the pics which are now up are new. If you prefer her old ones, you'll find most of them, together with lots of the nude ones, in her AdultWork Private Gallery, so either way, you definitely won't miss out. FWIW, the pic below didn't make the cut, which is a pity, as I really, really like it.



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