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It is the start of August, so how about a summery summary of the news?

First, the crap news. If you live in Manchester, then you'll be pleased to know that the government has decreed, as very short notice, that we are now in a semi-hard state of lockdown. I'm not saying that it was timed in any way to coincide with Eid (no sirree!), but it does seem like a bit of a brutal tactic to utilise, given that the relative level of infection varies so greatly across Greater Manchester. If it is any consolation, we are still allowed to remain open, as the law essentially states that the restrictions only apply to households visiting one another in a private indoors basis.

Now for the good news. We have a new lady called Adriana joining us in the next few days. We know she'll be familiar to you, but if not, then all we can say is this - if you think a BMW or Audi can give you the ride of your life, wait until you have a test drive on a Mercedes.

On 20 March 2020, the government shut down the country by preventing a number of venues in the UK from operating, from pubs and clubs to the majority of the adult entertainment business. Sixteen weeks later, it appears we finally have the all-clear from government to operate as a venue in a legitimate fashion. This means we now have some good news for you, along with updates on changes which are to be implemented following reopening.

First off, news regarding the ladies. You'll be happy to know that all but one of our ladies are well and remain with us. The only exception is Jade, who is off for an indeterminate period of time due to being an exceptionally qualified key worker in the real world. She may return at some time in future if we are lucky, so keep your eyes peeled.

Second, as a quick glance at the schedule shows, we will open from Monday the 13th. Having taken time to read the revised guidance which applies to gyms and hairdressers, arguably our closest analogues, there are some updates in procedures which we would like to make you aware of, as they are essential to operating in a way which is as clean and safe as possible. In some ways, these are not as harsh as we originally anticipated, for as some gentlemen who have previously visited us will find, we have always worked in a way which would make us naturally amenable to the social distancing mantra of 2020.

Consequently, there are NO changes with the following policies:

  • as we only operate an appointment system, and have always shunned walk-ins, there is no prospect of you being led into a reception packed with other visitors. Not only does this enhance personal privacy, it means you're not going to be in an enclosed space waiting to catch something from someone in direct contact with you;
  • we continue not to offer parties, where you'd come into contact with more people than you sensibly should;
  • while cash payments remain welcome, you'll still be able to pay for your appointments using the usual electronic means offered by the ladies;
  • unlike pubs and hotels, which appear to be requesting personal details for track-and-trace purposes, we have no need to ask for such info. Your current method of contacting us will suffice under current guidance - if anything, a punting phone number is far more acceptable than the made up names and numbers clients are likely to provide at the local Spoons.

There are, however, a number of adjustments which we feel that we need to implement, since failing to do so and carrying on as before would be irresponsible. The most notable changes are as follows:

  • for the next few weeks, only two ladies will be in daily. The purpose is to allow us to have more time to clean and prepare the rooms, as well as to further minimise the prospect of passing others when arriving and leaving our venue. Obviously, this means you may not end up in a particular room which you are accustomed to, but we're sure our ladies will make up for this;
  • upon arrival and departure, we continue to encourage you to sanitise your hands - for this purpose, the sanitiser in the main passage has been replaced by a dedicated dispenser installed by the front door. Should you really be worried, you're also welcome to avail yourself of a complementary face mask (not the FFP3 masks which we were offering in March though);
  • the rooms will be a bit noisier and fragrant than before. Not only have the extractor fans been updated during lockdown, but we'll be using more essential oils to offset the smell of the cleaning chemicals in use;
  • we will be unable to offer warm drinks to our visitors, so that means no tea or Nespresso! On the other hand, you're still more than welcome to have a canned drink or bottle of water;
  • some services which were available from the ladies may be temporarily limited in availability. As these are discretionary offerings, we'd ask you, as always, to consult with them directly.

In the end, it all comes down to personal preference and personal responsibility, so we would advise all of our clients to use their common sense when visiting. Do that, and we'll all get through this.

Apologies for the delayed news updates, but things have been rather busy in the past few months (not that we are complaining in any way whatsoever).

Anyway, we're happy to say that we are back on a roll with photo updates, so if you pop over to the profiles of Jade and Hazel, you'll be able to enjoy a series of new content. As always, the pics show what the ladies look like now, since we're not into displaying photos from 3-4 years ago when a lady was at some now-closed establishment (Sandys, Hayleys, whatever). No, it isn't meant to be a dig at anyone in particular, but rather an expression of a pet peeve at the laziness and indifference which some ladies, and businesses, have towards their clients, by expecting them to be satisfied by content which is in no way whatsoever a recent depiction of whom they may be making an appointment with. Don't like it? Sue me!

It is with great relief that we've managed to survive the consumer spending spree which passes for the extended Black Friday weekend. A decade ago, Black Friday was some weird American concept which we'd only experience on CNN, when women would be having a fightout at Macy's for a cheap wedding address. Then, it hit our shores, with Amazon and ASDA flooding the market with cheap TVs for a single day of consumer delight, which was always good for a chuckle. Now though, it is a case of extreme spending overload, as it drags on for a week or more (although we do prefer it to the annoyance of Brexit). To make up for it all, we've got something which you'll enjoy much more, and which will cost you absolutely ZERO (unless you decide to make an appointment). What is it you ask? New pics for Sally! We hope you enjoy them, as she definitely is a star of note.

It has been a hell of a while since we've updated you with news about what has been going on, and for that, we apologise. Unfortunately, there has been a hell of a lot of other work going on, which has meant that we have had to put the updates on the backburner. Ladies have had new pics, but we've not uploaded them onto the site, posting them on Twitter instead. However, now that there is a wee bit of breather space before Christmas, we'll hopefully be able to put them on their profiles here too.


For now though, we would like to introduce a new lady called Natalia. She's a foxy minx who has been recommended to ourselves by one of the ladies, and she'll be joining us this Thursday. At the moment, we have a basic profile live on her, but we will be moving to add further information in the next few days, including a link to her personal Adultwork profile, so, as Apu would say, please come again.

As Summer is now here, it means that the time for everyone to go on the annual vacation has now returned. As such, it is worth letting you know that the schedule for the next month or so is likely to have some changes, as ladies take time off to recharge their batteries.


This coming week sees the last few appearances for Annalynne and Cheryl, as they will be on holiday from next week - Thursday is the last day for Annalynne, while Hazel's final day is Friday. Annalynne will then be off for a fortnight, while Hazel will probably be off for a month (at the very least)..


No need to feel glum though, as in other news, Elise is back.

Wimbledon is back again, but it seems that over the past decade or so, coverage of tennis on TV has gradually diminished. Some people would argue that tennis, like F1 racing, is getting dull to watch, especially since there are no characters like McEnroe or Jimmy Connors, but I would be more likely to put it down to the fact that the game has been dominated now for the past years by the same faces - particularly Federer and the Williams sisters. If they keep winning, what is the bloody point of watching? Hell, even the British contingent of recent years, like Tiger Tim and Andy (British when winning, Scottish when losing) Murray  are hardly going to set the world on fire when coming up against the drab clones which now dominate the sport.


That said, I would feel that the reason behind the decline of Wimbledon TV is more terminal than that, and is due to the increasing availability of other sporting events which really didn't exist even a decade ago. Step back in time to the 80s and ask yourself - in early-July, what sports were broadcast on TV? Other than Wimbledon, the only things going were the Olympics and the World Cup (with the Euros being a mere afterthought relative to the Olympics). Now though, we've not only had the Euro Nations League recently, but we've also got the Cricket World Cup and the female version of football's World Cup going on. Not only is the quantity of entertainment much greater than before, but the quality is greater too, even if prize money still doesn't reflect this.


What does all of this have to do with escorting? Fuck all really, but unless Steffi Graff and Anna Kournikova decide to return to the tennis court in bikinis, I'm afraid we are just going to have to wave a fond farewell to something which used to be one of the biggest events of the sporting year. On the bright side though, we've updated the profile for Layla - there's nothing sinister with the name change, other than that there has been a constant confusion over what to call her, given the difference in her profile names on AdultWork viz her site name, so we've decided to just stick to one single name. We hope you enjoy the update.

Remember the newspost a fortnight ago mentioning that it was raining in Manchester? Well guess what - it is STILL raining! FFS, it didn't even rain this much when Noah was waiting to float his Ark. If you were hoping for fun in the sun and BBQ weather, we are afraid that we can't help you. However, while the weather may be disappointing, we hope to perk you up with news of a new lady joining us called Jade. She's sexy, she's fun, and she definitely knows her stuff. She's also worked in Manchester before, so hopefully, some of you chaps who have met her before may recognise from her pics and the general information on her profile.


Jade's first day will be on Friday the 28th June, with appearances thereafter varying on a weekly basis (as happens with a couple of other ladies, such as Sally and Yasmin). We know she'll be a popular lady, so if you want to see her, be quick to make your appointment.

As it is now mid-year, we've decided to have a new photo update to Annalynne's profile, which means that ALL of her older photos have now been deleted, in order to be replaced by a fresh new batch of recent pics. At the same time, we've taken the opportunity to give her a more general refresh, with an update to the text containing all the information about Annalynne and her currently available services. As always, the old pics will be accessible on her AdultWork profile, together with a number of the new photos which didn't make it through the final cut.


If you take a closer look at the new pics, you may see a rather tasty blonde centrefold making an appearance. In case you are wondering, it is the scrumptious Elizabeth Hilden, who won the Penthouse Pet of the Year contest in 1997 (if you want a better look at some of the photos that won her the title, click here for her photo gallery on Babes and Girls - it is worth it! ). Rather bizarrely, on the day that Annalynne's new pics have been released, Penthouse have also announced their new 2019 Pet of the Year, which is totally unexpected. The winner is a stunning lady known as Gianna Dior, who we feel is a more than worthy winner, not only for her looks, but also for the fun and humour which she brings to her social media accounts - in case you're interested in having a look, her account on Twitter is Gianna_DiorXXX.


Summer is here, and isn't the weather just absolutely glorious? No, it bloody well isn't! While we're actually quite relieved not to be experiencing a rerun of the heatwave from last year (which was unnatural and scary in a way from a climate change context), we do have to admit that we are just that little bit disappointed at the current wet weather in Manchester. Why? Because not only were we hoping for at least a couple of good days burning meat on the BBQ, but we were also planning on taking some photos outdoors. Unfortunately, these plans are now fucked, since according to the Weather Channel, for at least the next 10 days, Manchester is going to be pissing down with rain, so not only is it hotter in most of Europe, but it is also warmer and drier in Johannesburg, even though THEY are already in early Winter. If you don't believe us, you can check on their site here, then spend the next few days weeping: MCR 10 day weather forecast.


The good news is that at least we've had time to work on Tiffany's new photos. All but a couple of her early pics have now been taken off her profile, to be replaced with a lot of new ones. The old pics, together with a number of the new ones, will also be on her AdultWork profile, so you know where to look. For those of you who are fans of the lady, she is also now on Twitter, so keep an eye open on her account, as she has started posting selfies and clips of her own too.


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